The mummy and daddy of blisters

I’ve decided to record this Bridget Jones stylee.  Here are the vital statistics of my first proper training walk:  steps walked today 33 650, distance walked 25.5km, calories burned 1137, fat burned 16.4g

The walk was the Exeter Green Circle; not the most adventurous or picturesque of routes, but it was (mostly) signposted, within a stone’s throw of my house, and, at approximately 12 miles (not including distance walked to and from the route), seemed just about the right distance for a training walk.

My walking buddy Craig (also a London2Brighton-er) poses infront of the magnificent backdrop if the A30.  Glorious.


I have nothing very exciting to say about the route itself, but I did learn some important lessons

1) Food is a must; the cheese sandwich halfway round was a god-send
2) Put the waterproof trousers on when the rains starts to fall – if you wait, there is just no point
3) A one page Pdf printout is not an adequate route-map.  Especially if you lose it within 2 miles of starting
4) Even much-loved boots (I’ve had mine for 10 years) can need a little wearing in if you haven’t worn them for a while…
…exhibit A